DynaMechs Class Hierarchy
The class hierarchy is as follows (indentation indicates subclassing):
dmObject - base class containing name and generic user data support
dmSystem - abstract bases class for all simulated systems
dmEnvironment - encapsulates information about the environment (e.g.
gravity, prismatic terrain, hydrodynamic parameters, etc.). For hydrodynamic
simulation, the fluid acceleration can be set and integrated to compute fluid
dmTreadmill - has a treadmill that can be simulated
dmArticulation - contains tree topology information for system
dmClosedArticulation - articulations with closed loops
dmLink(dmTransform) - abstract base class for all transformations
in the system
dmStaticRootLink - a full transform (constant) in the inertial frame
(should only be the first link).
dmZScrewTxLink - an constant axial screw transfrom.
dmRigidBody - container for dynamic (and hydrodynamic) properties
for a rigid body, and a set of dmForce objects (if desired).
dmMobileBaseLink - equations for 6 DOF (full) motion
dmSphericalLink - equations for 3 revolute DOFs (full rotational
dmQuaternionLink - equations for 3 revolute DOFs using quaternion
math (to avoid gimbal lock problems).
dmMDHLink - abstract base class and equations for 1 DOF joints specified
using Modified Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
dmRevoluteLink - 1 DOF rotational link
dmPrismaticLink - 1 DOF translational link
dmSecondaryJoint - secondary joints in a closed-loop
dmSecondaryRevoluteJoint - 1 DOF revotational secondary joint
dmSecondaryPrismaticJoint - 1 DOF translational secondary joint
dmSecondarySphericalJoint - 3 rotational DOFs in a secondary joint
dmActuator - abstract base class for actuators
dmRevDCMotor - simulations electro-mechanical characteristics of
DC motor and gears.
dmForce - abstract class for force models; contained by the dmRigidBody
dmContactModel - computes a compliant point contact force with prismatic
dmSecondaryForce - secondary joint compliant force class.
dmIntegrator - abstract base class for all integrators; contains a list
of dmSystem objects to be simulated.
dmIntegEuler - first order euler integrator
dmIntegRK4 - 4th order Runge-Kutta integrator
dmIntegRK45 - adaptive stepsize embedded fourth/fifth order Runge-Kutta